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What are some methodologies that a product designer can use to capture the needs and current usage scenarios of the end users? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Amazon – Customer Reviews. Amazon tools such as jungle scout. Industrial Design and Product Design ideas need to be validated with data.
Hi all i have been working on an idea etc…[Reddit]
by Jay · Updated March.29, 2021 ·1 min read
You’re at the stage of doing the discovery process. Each physical product requires a different approach to the design and development. Your unique personal constraints need to also be factored into the process. This process is known as design discovery. The design discovery process discovers how economic you current idea is. Going through the customer/average… Continue reading Hi all i have been working on an idea etc…[Reddit]
How can startup make the first physical product in order to film for crowdfunding? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
How… is fairly easy – the question should be why and what type of prototype do I need to be a cost effective solution to get our intended end result within our crowdfunding campaign? I would first answer: “Does our physical product require a non-functioning prototype or a functioning prototype.” The cost difference can be… Continue reading How can startup make the first physical product in order to film for crowdfunding? [Quora]
What are some of the most epic product fails? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
What are the criteria for good product design? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
Any examples of a great product (even good) that failed due to no or lack of marketing/promotion? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Product’s don’t primarily fail due to little no marketing, they fail because they don’t truly understand whom their early adopters are and what core feature they truly want. You need to assume a Minimal Viable Product and then build on it from early adopters and improve on it, its not always about more features but… Continue reading Any examples of a great product (even good) that failed due to no or lack of marketing/promotion? [Quora]
What are some examples of good products failing? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Pebble Smart Watch The Inside Story Behind Pebble’s Demise… IOT products in general require a HUGE amount of upfront capital to gain the economies of scale so the cost per unit is low enough to make a descent profit to allow the company to grow, as IOT products require many different induststries to collaborate… Continue reading What are some examples of good products failing? [Quora]
Is it even worth it anymore to create physical products in this digital landscape? Struggling with analysis paralysis between creating a physical product vs. digital. [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
You should be asking the following questions rather than digital vs physical. Find a problem, is there a potential profitable solution, read that again notice the word PROFITABLE IDEA, there are many problems and solutions, however few are profitable. However profitable ideas executed incorrectly or without the appropriate business model, are likely to fail and not… Continue reading Is it even worth it anymore to create physical products in this digital landscape? Struggling with analysis paralysis between creating a physical product vs. digital. [Quora]
How do you go from prototype into small production? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
You need identify your core business goals with the small production runs and if you don’t meet them what to do and if you do what to do next. Your prototype must be designed specifically for a small production run and assembly. The design differences between a small production run are variable depending on the… Continue reading How do you go from prototype into small production? [Quora]
How do you make a product people love? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
What is the best industrially designed product ever produced? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
On June 29 2007, the world changed as Apple released its first generation iPhone, from that day on our lives haven’t been the same. First the communication technology was required prior to the hardware known to us as the “internet” this then allowed hardware to be designed around this technology to allow us to have… Continue reading What is the best industrially designed product ever produced? [Quora]
I have a idea for a product, do you know how to approach designers for help on the design? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
The first questions that need to be answered are; What is my physical product? How does it BENEFIT my ideal target audience? Who will be the early adopters of the physical product? What is the most suitable business model to launch this type of physical product? First, you need to discover and define your physical products minimum viable product.… Continue reading I have a idea for a product, do you know how to approach designers for help on the design? [Quora]
Product Development: How does one go about designing and manufacturing a backpack? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
What 3D CAD software solutions do early stage hardware startups use to design their first prototypes? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·2 min read
What type of company assists with practical product design, and will then build the prototype? And how should the inventor protect the design? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·0 min read
What’s a good book on bringing a new physical product to market? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
How can physical products be prototyped cheaply? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Who are some great industrial design entrepreneurs? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Jony Ive the Chief Design Office (CDO) of Apple Inc In my opinion the best current Industrial Designer
What British-London-based companies design and manufacture their own products? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Brompton Folable Bicycles Dr Marten Shoes Aston Martin Mclaren Rolls Royce Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Cavendish Pianos
Who are the top industrial designers? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
A top industrial designers ideas come to life. In the marketplace some of their ideas win some lose, however they are bought into fruition, and they don’t stop. So based of this statement my top designers, inventors are; Buckminister Fuller Jacque Fresco James Dyson Vivienne Westwood
What’s the high-level process for taking a physical product from idea to manufacturing and distribution? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·3 min read
Ideas are shit execution is the game! Pitch your physical product idea on through a video and embed that video into a website (landing page). Drive traffic via Facebooks ads. Once the video ends ask a simple question after the video, for example “would you pay $X amount for this product?” Yes or No? Why… Continue reading What’s the high-level process for taking a physical product from idea to manufacturing and distribution? [Quora]
Why is making a prototype so important in the design process? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Making a physical product prototype is so important to your business so can gain feedback from potential early adopters and validate your minimum viable product, before investing in the capital to manufacture an idea. It is extremely costly to modify a product once tooling and assembly lines have been created so you want to get… Continue reading Why is making a prototype so important in the design process? [Quora]
How do I develop a product prototype in China, then start shipping it to customers? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
First you need to validated your idea come up with a minimum viable product. Do a video of you explaining your product idea and start to gain potential customers and validation prior to investing in a idea you can also pivot as you begin to get feedback from early adopters. Go speak to people and… Continue reading How do I develop a product prototype in China, then start shipping it to customers? [Quora]
If you had a product idea, how would you take it to market? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Create landing page (website) with your offer so for example say your new invention is a new pair of headphones. Get very basic renders or manipulate existing renders real photos of existing headphones remove all logos you can use OEM photos of products on Alibaba. In a video describe the product its features and the… Continue reading If you had a product idea, how would you take it to market? [Quora]
How do I create a lasting impression with custom product packaging? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Make it re-usable/repurpose the packaging For Example: Samsung to Introduce ‘Eco-Packaging’ for Its Lifestyle TV Lineup At minimum use recycled packaging make sure you packaging is 100% recyclable there is no excuse anymore. Use friendly sustainable plant inks. The later on lasting impression is to have the packaging design so easy to open, store(to keep… Continue reading How do I create a lasting impression with custom product packaging? [Quora]
What is the difference between a concept and a prototype? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
A concept is a design idea. The concept may or may not be feasible or viable. To determine whether the concept is feasible or viable is found during the rapid protyping phase.
What should you do after you have tested a prototype? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
The answer depends on the product your prototyping and at what stage of prototyping your at. If your only testing one particular feature or aspect of the product further prototyping needs to be done to test every feature. Designing the product for manufacturing also known as DfM (Design for Manufacturing) – prototyping or create a… Continue reading What should you do after you have tested a prototype? [Quora]
Do I need a virtual prototype if I can create a physical prototype? [Quora]
by Jay · Updated March.25, 2021 ·1 min read
Autodesk Fusion 360 a 3D C.A.D software is free for businessses that generate less than $100k per annum. However if you want to do it yourself you’ll need to learn how to use autodesk fusion 360. Whereas with physical prototyping you can use paper, cardboard, plastic sheets, clay, foam, wood etc.. to start mocking up… Continue reading Do I need a virtual prototype if I can create a physical prototype? [Quora]
Injection Molding: The Definitive Guide [2020]
by Jay · Updated March.09, 2021 ·3 min read
Injection molding is a common 21st-century manufacturing method. Thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers are the two types of materials used. However similar processes use glass (blow-molding), metal (die-casting), and elastomers. Injection molding manufactures a vast array of day to day objects from IoT enclosures, transportation parts to kitchenware. Injection molding is widely used as it has… Continue reading Injection Molding: The Definitive Guide [2020]