On June 29 2007, the world changed as Apple released its first generation iPhone, from that day on our lives haven’t been the same. First the communication technology was required prior to the hardware known to us as the “internet” this then allowed hardware to be designed around this technology to allow us to have… Continue reading What is the best industrially designed product ever produced? [Quora]
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I have a idea for a product, do you know how to approach designers for help on the design? [Quora]
The first questions that need to be answered are; What is my physical product? How does it BENEFIT my ideal target audience? Who will be the early adopters of the physical product? What is the most suitable business model to launch this type of physical product? First, you need to discover and define your physical products minimum viable product.… Continue reading I have a idea for a product, do you know how to approach designers for help on the design? [Quora]
Product Development: How does one go about designing and manufacturing a backpack? [Quora]
What 3D CAD software solutions do early stage hardware startups use to design their first prototypes? [Quora]
What type of company assists with practical product design, and will then build the prototype? And how should the inventor protect the design? [Quora]
What’s a good book on bringing a new physical product to market? [Quora]
How can physical products be prototyped cheaply? [Quora]
Who are some great industrial design entrepreneurs? [Quora]
Jony Ive the Chief Design Office (CDO) of Apple Inc In my opinion the best current Industrial Designer
What British-London-based companies design and manufacture their own products? [Quora]
Brompton Folable Bicycles Dr Marten Shoes Aston Martin Mclaren Rolls Royce Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Cavendish Pianos
Who are the top industrial designers? [Quora]
A top industrial designers ideas come to life. In the marketplace some of their ideas win some lose, however they are bought into fruition, and they don’t stop. So based of this statement my top designers, inventors are; Buckminister Fuller Jacque Fresco James Dyson Vivienne Westwood